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Episode 135: Impact of Australia Fires on Wildlife

This week we deliver a special episode on the ongoing and unprecedented crisis in Australia. We pay particular attention to the impacts these fires have had and will have on the native wildlife there. Undoubtedly, this was a difficult and emotional episode for us to do. Current estimates are that at least 1 billion, if not more, animals have perished in these fires. We cover the scientific data pouring out of Australia. Additionally, we cover how the world is coming together for Australia and we highlight what you can do to help.

Australia Fires

To date, it is estimated that roughly 20 million acres (31,000 sq miles or 81,000 sq km) have burnt. In 2019, the world was concerned with the Amazon burning, which in total was roughly 10% of this, or just over 2 million acres. These fires are unprecedented and historic. Unfortunately, this is now viewed as the new norm, just not for Australia, but also the world. Climate change continues to alter and influence weather patterns throughout the world. The data is conclusive. The planet is warming at an unprecedented and alarming rate. We will provide many of the links to back up these assertions below. Further, the fires in Australia are a product of the warmest temperatures ever recorded for the continent, to include horrific drought. The following links will provide data and explanation.

Australian Government Climate Data

Australian Government Climate Council

Study on the future of Australia and impacts of climate change on fire danger

Impact of Australian climate on wildlife

Climate change and impacts of future fires in Australia

NASA Climate Change Website

Australian Wildlife

The most harrowing information coming out of Australia is the impact the fires have had on the native wildlife. We go in depth, as much as we could, about which species are being impacted. We also discuss the data on how scientists estimate 1 billion animals have perished. We also highlighted some species that are on the brink of extinction and how these fires may influence them. Again we will provide as many links we can, so you can view the data for yourselves. Below is an image taken by NASA showing the fires on Kangaroo Island.

Current fires maps can be accessed here:

New South Wales


Scale of Fires

Impacts on Animals

Australia threatened species and impact of fires

1 Billion animals lost

Endangered Species and the fires

Estimates on animals lost

Endangered Species We Highlighted:

Mountain Pygmy Possum

Long-Footed Potoroo

Spotted-tail Quoll

Kangaroo Island Dunnart



Organizations to Support

The world is coming together for Australia. There are many people donating from every continent. Here we will provide some links for your consideration.

Corbin Maxey Podcast on Australia Fires and links to organizations

Australia Wildfire Fund

ZAA Australasia Fund

AZA institutions near you 

Article on how you can help




















January 14, 2020
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