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Episode 193: Sea Shepherd’s Captain Paul Watson

Captain Paul Watson is a world known activist and co-founder of Greenpeace. He is best known for his antiwhaling activities leading to the very popular show on Animal Planet, Whale Wars.  Captain Watson founded the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in 1977 and since has been a major influential voice in the protection of our oceans and the species that live within it. Sea Shepherd is involved in many campaigns across the planet to include protection of the Vaquita, Sea Turtles, Wild Salmon, Whales and many other species.

You can learn more about the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society HERE

Captain Watson also recently published another book titled Orcapedia. It can be viewed and purchased HERE  The book highlights all the Orcas captured and held in captivity throughout the world. Readers are introduced to more than 60 orcas by name along with their photos, personal history, and notable incidents that have occurred during their captivity.

Sea Shepherd

At Sea Shepherd, we are bold because we must be. With innumerable marine wildlife species on the brink of extinction, the stakes are much too high to be timid.  We are always on the front lines.  We go where others cannot or will not, operating within the boundaries of practicality and adhering to the guidelines defined by international and domestic law.

From our inception in 1977, as a small organization with one boat, Sea Shepherd has grown to become a global movement of thousands of passionate and courageous volunteers working on the decks of ten ships – and soon to be more – operating all around the planet.  Our message over these last four decades has been consistent and transparent: we expose, intercept, and oppose illegal operations that damage and destroy marine wildlife and habitats.

Sea Shepherd has pioneered a unique and effective approach to ocean conservation.  Supported by our dedicated crews, we provide ships, equipment, technical advice, and consultation to multiple partners, including local communities and government agencies around the world.

Our range is vast.  We have successfully stopped poachers and habitat destruction in Benin, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Italy, Liberia, Mexico, Namibia, and multiple other countries.  Our efforts are unrelenting.  We have facilitated hundreds of arrests, the seizure of dozens of poaching vessels, and the confiscation of thousands of illegal nets.  Our successes are widely heralded.  We have received multiple awards, including the Amazon Peace Prize from Ecuador and the Distinguished Service Medal from Liberia, among others.

The people of Sea Shepherd are known to be incorruptible, passionate, persistent, professional, cooperative, and effective. Together we fearlessly defend life and diversity in the oceans.  Together we ensure that existing laws designed to protect the oceans are upheld.  Together we strive to build political will and capacity to ensure that the rest of the world follows our lead.

November 10, 2020
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