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Episode 253: Wolf & Moose Researcher Dr. John Vucetich

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Dr. John Vucetich is a professor and scientist at Michigan Tech University. For the past few decades Dr. Vucetich has studied wolf and moose interactions on one of the world’s most unique biomes, Isle Royale in the United States. Isle Royale is a very unique biome as it is mainly isolated from the mainland of North America. It also offers many unique scientific perspectives on wolf/moose interactions and their impact on the environment. Dr. Vucetich also discusses his latest book Restoring the Balance: What Wolves Tell Us About Our Relationship With Nature, which highlights much of his work. This week’s podcast is a fascinating insight into the life of a field scientist studying the lives of wolves and moose on Isle Royale.

You can learn more about Dr. John Vucetich HERE

You can learn more about his book HERE



November 03, 2021
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